dance prescription WORKSHOPS


Just What The Doctor Ordered: Jazz technique workshops which focus on building self confidence and learning through fun. Dancers are taught how to break down all difficult technical skills into smaller manageable goals and leave feeling educated, challenged, inspired and giggling. These workshops cater for all levels and ages and are taught with an emphasis on injury prevention and the safe execution of tricks for a long career as a dancer. They have been taught all over the world and are more fun than you could possibly imagine!

DANCE PRESCRIPTION Workshops are tailored to suit the studio and students. They can cover any of the following content:


Everything you need to know to be able to achieve flawless multiple pirouettes in any position, kick turns to blow your audience away or turns in second that are strong enough to withstand a hurricane!


The secret to killer kicks that show of the extent of your flexibility and effortless control. Whether it’s scorpions, tilts or tilt drops, learn the tricks to guaranteed placement which will thrill any audience but still let you walk in to the classroom when your 30!


Learn the 4 key elements of jumps to break down, analyse and improve any airborne feat and leap with finesse in any position. Kick start your height, execution and difficulty to make your audience gasp in disbelief - GIRLS it’s time we took jumping back into our own territory and stopped letting the boys get all the glory!


The magical solution to deconstructing improvisation which will obliterate any trepidation. Learn the formula for creating the perfect improvisation and the basic skills for excellent choreography and individual movement quality.

Each DANCE PRESCRIPTION Workshop runs for 2 hours and is followed by a 30 minute Meet and Greet. The Meet and Greet includes a popular Q+A segment and an opportunity for workshop participants to take photos with Dr. Lisa Ellis and her assistants.